Instructions: Fill out this form online and then PRINT the form (using the PRINT button on your Web browser). Make a check for the appropriate amount payable to "New Mexico Alpaca Breeders LLC." Send the application form and your payment to:

Membership Chair, Bonnie Samuel
29 Calvin Road
Santa Fe, NM 87508

City, State, Zip:
Phone: Alt. Phone:
Cell Phone: Fax:

Membership Categories and Fees (select one):

Alpaca Breeder Membership: $200 annually
Any alpaca breeder is eligible for full membership in the NM Alpaca Breeders who owns their own alpacas and is interested in the furtherance of the the alpaca industry as a livestock business. Membership includes voting privileges as one vote per member ranch or farm.

Associate Membership: $100 annually
For those who have not yet established an alpaca business, but fully intend to do so and wish to learn through association with the group. No voting privileges are extended to this category.

Business Associate: $100 annually
For those who do commerce in the alpaca industry. Non-voting member.

Website Listing: All members are listed on the NMAB Website with farm or business name, address, and contact information as given on this application. Alpaca Breeder Members will also have a logo or photo, a link to their Website, and a description.

Alpaca Breeder Members: Please complete the following in 100 words or less, briefly describe your ranch, services you provide, your breeding stock, location or any information you would like to have placed on the NMAB Web page:

We invite you to get involved in NMAB. Please let us know which committee(s) interest you…

Marketing and PR

Program Development



Santa Fe Alpaca Show

NM State Fair

Thank you! Our Website designer will be contacting you for any clarifications needed and your logo for inclusion on the NMAB member page. We welcome you to the New Mexico Alpaca Breeders.

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