New Mexico Alpaca Breeders



The meeting was called to order at 12:35 PM


In attendance was:


Barry Abel and Holly Barrett��������������������������� ����������� Sandi Jackson

Lynn and Al Fatkin���������������������������������������������������� Julia Berry

Rosemary Metcalf�� ���������������������������������������������������� Amanda Evans

Regina and Bob Dart������������������������������������������������� Evelyn Simons and Mickey Wright

Cynthia and Jim Daly������������������������������������� ����������� David and Nancy Smith

Susan and Kent Sasser���������������������������������������������� Leslie and William Stoddard

Marilyn Knudsen and Roberto Ibarra������������� ����������� Jock Donaldson

Bob Wargowsky������������������������������������������������������� Ellen Simons

Anne Stallcup������������������������������������������������ ����������� Jason and Kate Gibeau

Linnea Laurila�������������������������������������������������������������� Charlee Galbreath


The President welcomed the group and acknowledged the new membership of David and Nancy Smith


Treasurer�s report:

From the New Mexico State Fair the income was $2,420

The expenses were $767.67

Profit was 1,657.33

Current balance of $7,495.62


Secretary: The minutes of the last meeting were accepted by Bob W. and seconded by Anne.


Membership: The President announced that the membership chair was resigning and the position would remain open until the next meeting where elections would be held. Until then the secretary would fulfill any membership obligations.


We currently have 43 members of the association.


Elections: Julia Berry and Mike Fasano were nominated for the open position of Vice- president. Julia was elected by a 1 vote margin.


Issues involving the website were discussed. The previous webmaster had said they would be unable to continue that service. Anne S. volunteered to maintain the website. It was motioned that the group pay $10 to $20/mo to host the website. Mickey motioned, Bob seconded, motion passed.


New Mexico State Fair: According to Bob, it was the most successful show to date!

There was much discussion on how to improve next year�s. It was proposed to consider a new composite class competition.


Marketing: Alyson proposed a workshop next spring for ring stewards since she would not be available for the Show in 2006. There are brochures available for $.35 or a 30 pack for $10.


Affiliation: No new activity.


Livestock liability: Mickey talked extensively about proposed legislation. It will be next year before a �bill� can be drafted.


Education seminar: It was graciously decided that the Steve Hull seminar that was planned by the �Santa Fe coalition� would be sponsored by NMAB, in July 2006. It was moved by Barry and seconded by Lynn.


The next meeting will be either late January or early February to be announced later.


Respectfully submitted.


Charlee Galbreath

NMAB Secretary��