New Mexico Alpaca Breeders Meeting

July 14, 2007 Minutes



President Mickey Wright called the meeting to order at 12:22 p.m.


In attendance:


Mickey Wright������������ Evelyn Simons������������� Anne Stallcup

Mark Hogan���������������������������� Deirdre Murphy����������������������� Robert Louie

Cheryl Louie���������������������������� Dean Kahlich��� ����������������������� Linda Kahlich

Lou Crooks����������������������������� Linda Crooks�������������������������� Chuck Homer

Dianne Torrance���������������������� Bob Hazen������������������������������ Louise Hazen

Marianne Williamson��������������� Guy Williamson����������������������� Melita Clark

Jason Gibeau��������������������������� Kate Gibeau���������������������������� Gretchen Werner

Paula Dougherty���������������������� Cynthia Daly���������������������������� Leslie Stoddard

Luca Tossini���������������������������� Melinda Tossini����������������������� Marlyn Knudsen

Roberto Ibarra������������������������ Mary MacGyver���������������������� Barbara Roybal

Kristi Larkin���������������������������� Bob Wargowsky


Thank you Aspen Ridge Alpacas for hosting this NMAB meeting.


President Mickey Wright welcomed Marianne and Guy Williamson as well as Gretchen Werner to the NMAB meeting.


Secretary Deirdre Murphy presented the minutes from the previous meeting and the minutes were accepted.


Treasurer Mark Hogan reported:


The beginning balance of the checking account since the last report is from the bank statement of April 27, 2007 from the First Community Bank of New Mexico is $17,328.28.


The ending balance of the checking account as of the bank statement of

July 13, 2007 is $14,124.03.


Total income from dues and raffle �������������������������������� ��$220.00

Total expenses from the period ����������������������������������� ��$589.05

Total income from the Fiber Seminar registration���������� $3,370.00

Total Fiber Seminar Expenses�������������������������� $5,426.41



A donation in the amount of $100.00 was made to the William Stoddard fund.


With the current balance of 07/13/07 minus the outstanding checks and added income, the New Mexico Alpaca Breeders has a balance of $14,124.03 in the checking account.


����������� Dues are as follows:

����������� Associate Ranch Dues������������������������������������� $25.00

����������� Ranch Dues����������������������������������������������������� $100.00

Pro-rated dues January to September 30th ������ $100.00

Pro-rated dues October to December�������������� $50.00


Membership Committee Leader Anne Stallcup reported:


We are delighted to welcome new members Barbara Troje and Ronald Bailey of Nizhoni Alpacas as well as Robert Mallonee of Papalote Alpacas.


New Renewals -���������� Ellen Simons of Pacajama Company

����������������������������������� Ron and Jackie West of Alpaca West


Associate Level � Carla Bleicher and Mary MacGyver


Kudos to members that have recruited new members.


Email traffic on our website remains strong � over 2000 visits in March and April, over 1500 in May, over 1700 in June.37% of visits are direct log-ons.Top referral is Google.We also get a lot of log-ons through links from other pages.


New web site is being developed and Anne obtained approval to continue in the development.


Our E-list � we are getting what we paid for � web service is $9.95/month and email list is included in the fee.Its basically free.


Anne�s question to NMAB is �are we happy with what we have?�Anne is to continue shopping for hosting sites.


If you have a web site, please add NMAB to your site.Our site does not have video capability.


Anne passed out updated Membership brochures.


State Fair Superintendent Bob Wargowsky, reported:


Why do we not have the membership volunteer support that is required to make the show go smoothly?We need 25 to 30 people to run the show.Bob�s focus is to make sure we have what we need to make the Show go.


Currently we have slated the following positions:

Ring Steward � Dean Kahlich

Barn Manager � Anne Stallcup

Assistant Barn Managers � Marilyn Knudsen and Deirdre Murphy, Cynthia Daley

Color Checking Team Head � Susan Sasser � WE NEED A MINIMUM OF 3 TEAMS

Head Gate Keeper � Gretchen Werner � NEED MORE ASSISTANTS

Announcer � Alyson Gilman � NEED BACKUP RELIEF

Herdsire Showcase � Anne Stallcup

Performance and Obstacle Course � Susan Sasser

Meet and Greet on Saturday night � Lynn Fatkin

Vests � Mark Hogan


Herdsire Showcase, Anne Stallcup


����������� For those who are participating in this NEW and EXCITING opportunity to show case your herdsires, please bring your ARI certificate and write your own announcement.


Mark Hogan � There are sponsorship opportunities that include public announcements over the PA system.Sponsorship announcements are limited to 30 words.Please check the ethics in the Show Rule Book.


Mary MacGyver � What are the best return on investment (ROI) we can make?How did we do in past State Fair Shows?What made it work?What can we improve on?


National Alpaca Farm Day Head Leslie Stoddard reported:


The dates for NAFD are Sept 29th and 30th.We have ordered 100 posters.Our website should have a list of everyone who has an open ranch day.Look on the AOBA site for additional information.Some ranches are working together to obtain advertising space in their local region.


Certified Sorted Fiber � Cheryl Louie


����������� Questions - Can we find out what is the weight clip for NMAB?Next year we need to get a shearer to work for us.We had too many second cuts this year.


Taos Wool Festival �


First weekend in October which is the same weekend of Las Golondrinas.Aspen Ridge Alpacas and Dando Luz Alpacas will represent NMAB at Las Golondrinas.For more information regarding the Taos Wool Festival, please read Lynne Fatkin�s email.


Newsletter � Cynthia Daly


The newsletter can now handle pictures.


Next meeting � Saturday, October 20 at Albuquerque Alpacas.


Meeting adjourned at 4:00 p.m. ����������������������������������