New Mexico Alpaca Breeders

February 4, 2006



The meeting was called to order at 12:10 PM


In attendance were:


Stepanie Fauber���������������������������������������������� David and Nancy Smith

Lynne Fatkin���������������������������������������������������� Deidre Murphy

Pamela Reed��������������������������������������������������� Jason and Kate Gibeau

Julia Berry������������������������������������������������������� Amanda Evans

Melita Clark������������������������������������������������������ John and Colette Schum (non members)

Marilyn Knudsen and Roberto Ibarra������������������ Jim Daley

William and Leslie Stoddard����������������������������� Cheryl and Robert Louie

Jennifer Fasano����������������������������������������������� ����������� Kent and Susan Sasser

Doug and Jill Hefek������������������������������������������ Evelyn Simons and Mickey Wright

KC and Brenda Mosier������������������������������������� Bruce Campbell and Russa Bates (non members)

Barry Abel and Holly Barrett������������������������������ Anne Stallcup���

Jennifer Smith�������������������������������������������������� Kristi Larkin


The President welcomed the group and acknowledged new members Pam Reed, Jennifer Smith, and non-members Russa Bates and Bruce Campbell, and John and Colette Schum.


There were no board reports from the President and Vice President.The Secretary and Treasurer were not in attendance.


Anne Stallcup was unanimously voted to be the Membership Secretary and applauded for her marvelous work on the webpage.


Elections: Bill Faturik and Mark Hogan were nominated for the position of Treasurer.Mark Hogan was elected.


Anne Stallcup discussed website changes. She stated that there had been 13,000 hits in the website in the month of January. She urged ranches to be linked to the website.Anne established a mailing list from the website. The one draw back to this is that the mailing list is available to robomail. It was asked that alpaca/llama on the website be changed to just alpaca, deleting �llama�.This suggestion was accepted.


The board voted to sponsor the TXOLAN Box Lunch again this year for a price of $200.00.


Shearing: Julia will get information together to let the membership know where shearing locations will be.Julia represents Mark Loffagen, DBA: Ally-pac .He will be coming from Colorado after the Denver show in early May.Mark will only shear 60 alpacas per day this time. His cost last year was $27.50 per head. April 1st will be the cut off date to sign up with Julia if you want to use Mark�s services.

Sonny Gustamontes is another shearer who will be in the area May 18th. His phone number is

970 564-0979 and he lives in Cortes, Colorado.He will come to your farm.


NMAB will sponsor Dr. Steve Hull and Dr. Tom Cameron in a seminar Saturday, July 22nd �All Things Considered� and Sunday, July 23rd �Advanced Reproduction�. The event will be held at the Santa Fe Fair Grounds. There were volunteers to establish committees to organize the seminar event.


The Sweater: A flyer was distributed showing the president of Bolivia wearing his alpaca sweater at several international events during different seasons of the year, showing the alpaca sweater is a sweater for all seasons.



Allison Gillman will do a training workshop this summer for ring stewardship. Jennifer F. will coordinate with Allison to arrange the details for the workshop.


A concern was expressed about the new federal law requiring all animals be identified and their movement be monitored. Most members felt it was a good law since it would help track viruses among animal populations.


Julia suggested that there should be committee chairpersons for committees such as education and marketing/finance.Julia motioned that the membership should bring suggestions for the committee chairs that would be appropriate to the next meeting. Kristi seconded, motion carried.


Fire Evacuation: Julia suggested that there be a list made of name/volunteers for places to evacuate animals to in case of an emergency. These farms should have a quarantine facility.There should be a protocol established as NMAB.A form should be developed to be filled out between parties involved in the evacuation to establish the limits of liability. This will be developed and presented at the next meeting.


Julia feels there needs to be an ethics committee to handle any possible problems that might arise between NMAB members.Kent, KC, and Barry volunteered to head the committee. They will work on establishing a code of ethics for NMAB.It was agreed that mediation should always be the first step in cases of dispute.


The minutes of the October 15, 2005 meeting were approved.


The next meeting will be held Saturday, April22nd, at John and Marty Donaldson�s Red Dog Ranch in Magdalena, NM.


The meeting was adjourned.