New Mexico Alpaca Breeders
February 5, 2005 meeting minutes


Amanda Evans����������������������������������������������� Mickey Wright and Evelyn Simons

Heather Smith������������������������������������������������ Julia Berry

Mary Curik and Craig Hill����������������������������� Susan Sasser

Cindy Cook��������������������������������������������������� Ric and Rosemary Metcalf

Bob Wargowsky�������������������������������������������� Jim and Cynthia Daly

Barry Abel and Holly Barrett������������������������ Mike Fasano

Jacque West��������������������������������������������������� Robert and Cheryl Louie

Kristi Larkin��������������������������������������������������� Charlee Galbreath

As well as many welcomed guests

President Amanda Evans called the meeting to order at 12:30 P.M. She read a brief statement that this meeting would strictly adhere to agenda items. She announced that Cindy Cook was resigning as Secretary and that Barry Abel would be coordinating a nomination list to replace the position. New members and guests were introduced.

Vice-President report: Heather Smith

The workshop with Alyson Gilman regarding showing animals went very well. Good information was shared to all.

Treasurer report: Jackie Rosen/Amanda Evans

The current balance in NMAB's account is $4598.75! Much applause. Jackie is working with Mary Curik (membership) to update the database regarding dues, and pertinent information.

Membership: Mary Curik

Mary is working to update membership lists as we are growing. She also asks that all take a look at the NMAB website and provide her ( with links to upcoming shows or any link you might find appropriate for the membership to put on the website.

Secretary: Cindy Cook

Cindy asked that the minutes from the last NMAB meeting be approved, which were unanimously accepted, and thanked everyone for their support.

New Mexico State Fair/NMAB Alpaca Show: Bob Wargowsky

There is a meeting April 2, 2005 at Bob's, Windrider Suri Ranch, Edgewood, NM at 11:00 A.M. to coordinate volunteers for the NM State Fair Show. He reminded us that this show is the major fundraiser for our organization and encouraged all to get involved. There are major rule changes in the AOBA 2005 show book. READ IT! If you can't attend and want to be involved or have any questions e-mail him at

TXOLAN Grant: Bob Wargowsky

Bob explained that being under the TXOLAN umbrella, we are entitled to a $1,000 grant for advertising our show at the NM State Fair, which TXOLAN endorses. There was much discussion on how to spend this money. Barry Abel submitted a motion, seconded by Julia Berry to create a flier that advertises the NM State Fair Show. The motion was tabled until the marketing discussion.


Affiliation: Kristi Larkin

Currently we are affiliated with AOBA through TXOLAN. We meet the requirements to become a separate affiliate. It will involve establishing 501c5, non-profit status. It will require substantial paper work with the PRC of NM. Kristi and Anne agreed to work on the paperwork before the next meeting.� The benefits of affiliation are availability to grant money, a listing in the publication "One Voice" for marketing, and under the AOBA template of "By-Laws" it would not take too much to revise our existing by-laws to accommodate both State requirement and AOBA. Barry motioned to affiliate, Julia seconded. Motion was passed. Anne and Kristi will work on paperwork.

Marketing: Amanda Evans

Amanda proposed four marketing suggestions:

1) Purchase a table/booth at AOBA Nationals for exposure, Utah this June.

2) Create a NMAB brochure advertising our organization and membership at 1,000 copies for $500.

3) Create a flier advertising the State Fair Alpaca Show using money from the expected TXOLAN grant.

4) Buy more database e-mail addresses from AOBA to advertise our show: probably around $200.

Barry Abel created a motion seconded by Julia Berry to create a brochure that will promote NMAB. Ellen Simons and Jacqueline Rosen, with the Board having final say over the design and numbers, would create the brochure. Passed.

Barry made a motion that we create a flier advertising the State Fair show, Bob seconded. Passed.

Barry suggested in the way of a motion that we buy additional email addresses from AOBA to promote our State Fair show by e-mail, seconded by Bob, passed.

The table at AOBA Nationals was nixed due to our lack of affiliation, by their by-laws. Yet we can associate ourselves with members attending Nationals through TXOLAN. Be there, DO IT!

Newsletter: Amanda Evans

Amanda apologized for the lack of a newsletter during the last quarter and encouraged all farms to submit a small snipit of what's going on at your farm to include in the next edition.

Evacuation Plan: Susan Sasser

Susan is trying to establish a plan for emergency evacuation of animals, whether it is you are able to receive animals, or you anticipate needing to evacuate animals. Who knows what can happen, flood, deep snow, or in my personal case, wildfire. Please let Susan know what you are capable of doing to help in an emergency. She will establish a list of where we can go and who anticipates the possible need for help should the unthinkable arise.

New Business:

Bob W. suggested NMAB dialogue with Bruce Beatty regarding how we can help with the Sun City Sizzle show. Heather will call Bruce.

Susan and Cheryl will work on a group to promote knitting and felting projects.

Amanda suggested NMAB sponsor something at the TXOLAN show. Bob expressed he thought it was not cost effective. Heather said she thought it was important to support the show and made a motion to sponsor a lunch. Susan seconded the motion. The cost will be $200 and $140 was collected at the meeting. The remainder will be paid by NMAB. Motion passed.

Susan read a touching letter from Deirdre Murphy regarding the death of a cria and the tremendous support she received from many members of NMAB. Tears were abounding.

The next scheduled meeting of NMAB is:


Ric and Rosemary Metcalf

Windrush Alpacas

Clovis, NM

More information will follow.

The meeting adjourned at 2:15 PM.

Respectfully submitted as acting secretary,

Charlee Galbreath

Manzano Alpacas

2 Crestwood Loop Dr

Tijeras, NM� 87059